More But Less

Okay, so it’s been a while and I have a lot of catching up to do, so this is a short version of the last few months as I rode through Central America.


(Waiting to leave Guatemala)

I leave Guatemala after waiting 5 hours at the border because my TIP expired. I paid $50 fine and off I go into El Salvador

(Finally into El Salvador)

I ride to a beach and then to another beach because that’s what you do in El Salvador



(El Tunco)

(El Tunco)

I catch up with this guy who I met over a year ago at the Belize / Guatemala border and he give me tour around San Salvador. A cool and upcoming city. It’s no more dangerous than Detroit or Newark.


I ride to Nicaragua passing through Honduras. I skip Honduras because I didn’t want to spend the money on SCUBA lesson, which is the main attraction there over on the east coast. Roads in El Salvador and Honduras are 100 times better than Guatemala.

Border crossing are easy and fixers (people who insist that it’s hard to do and you can pay them to help you) are slowly becoming a thing of the past thanks to the internet.

I spend a couple of nights in Leon, a classic colonial city near the famous Cerro Negro volcano where you can go volcano boarding. I didn’t go because I’ve had enough volcanoes for now.

I move on to Granada. Another famous colonial city on Lake Nicaragua. The lake has fresh water sharks and the government want to put a canal like Panama, which will probably destroy all the marine life.

Off to Managua, the capital of Nicaragua. It’s actually a pretty cool city with lots of good artisan restaurants.

(Weird Memorial in Managua)

I spend a few days on Ometepe Island on Lake Nicaragua.

(It’s really fucking windy)


I do a little bit of off roading and stay at more beaches. Finial night in Nicaragua was nice place near the Costa Rica border. San Juan Del Sur.

​​(San Juan Del Sur)

I ride into Costa Rica and everything turns super green and there are monkeys, sloths and other animals everywhere. No wonder it’s expensive.



I camp the night with the Monkeys and Sloths.

I ride around Lake Arenal and go to La Fortuna to meet friends from the USA on vacation.

(Lake Arenal)

(Hello my Baby!......)

I meet my friends in La Fortuna.


And we go on a awesome night tour in the jungle and see lots of frogs and stuff

​​(Strawberry Poison Dart Frog)



​​(Famous Red Eyed Frog)

​​(Deadly Snake)

My friends go on a zipline tour, and I take pictures.

​​And explore La Fortuna

​​(Volcan Arenal)

and go swimming in rivers



And have good food.


​​(Fish on!)

​​(Fish gone!)
and enjoy the pool


And then there was this guy just hanging out.


My friends leave, and I head to San Jose. (Yes, I knew the way)

There is a cool town on the way.


(Crazy Garden formations)

(A couple of dickheads)

San Jose isn’t that great

It’s dirty and smelly around the center, but there is a cool artisanal restaurant area that is nice.

I stop by Touratech Costa Rica.


Where I can’t buy anything. So I go and explore more of Costa Rica and the peninsula.


​​(Taking the ferry)

And camp the night on a beach


I take some cool dirt roads


Visit a cool blue river


And ride with some cool people I meet.


​​(Pineapple farm)

And promote Mosko Moto

​​(Dork on right)

I take a picture of this sloth


Work on my bike


(Dirt Tricks Sprockets)

And head to Panama.


I meet up with my friend Rob and stay in the city for a week.


There cool animals here

(He don’t give a shit)

Panama City is huge


Drivers in Panama and Costa Rica are terrible.


So now it’s time to head to Colombia



On a sailboat

​​(Loading the bike)

We sail to the San Blas Islands


Do lots of swimming


And snorkeling

(Of course I'm going to take a picture of coral shaped like a butt!)

So, we drink rum from coconuts



and I wear a coconut as a jock winning the costume contest.

​​(Yup, that's a dick on my chest)

​​(Coconut, First Mate)

​​(The Sovereign Grace)

And finally arrive after 6 days of sailing (Which is 4 days too many for me), we arrive in Cartagena Colombia ending the Central America chapter.


My final thoughts.

Guatemala is the best of Central America. No other country had more to offer than Guatemala that was better. Aside from some wildlife and beaches (which i don’t care for anyway) Guatemala is the best.

See you next time!


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